We are proud to announce that our book “Stephen Brooks and the Art of Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Vol 1 – Hypnotic Language Patterns” has been voted no 2 in the Book Authority list of the top ten books on hypnotherapy. 

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The book written by hypnotherapy expert Jos van Boxtel describes in detail a unique demonstration session by renowned Ericksonian hypnotherapist and trainer Stephen Brooks. The client suffers from an extreme spider phobia, and Brooks helps her overcome her fear in one session. The book describes how he uses her behaviour, thinking style and beliefs to cure her phobia through hypnotic desensitization and double dissociation.

Stephen Brooks is known for his compassionate style and complex hypnotic language, modelled after legendary hypnotherapist Milton Erickson. When he communicates with a client, it seems like he is holding a normal conversation, but with close observation, you will discern a sophisticated network of indirect suggestions, implications, links and metaphors. Pre-talk, trance induction and therapeutic intervention flow seamlessly into one another and lead to an automatic and unconscious change process

The first half of the book provides an overview of the hypnotic techniques and language patterns that Brooks uses. The second half is a verbatim report of the session, which describes step by step what is happening, verbally and non-verbally, and what choices Brooks makes. Gradually, the client goes deeper into a trance, transforms her deep-seated fear and, to her own surprise, begins to see spiders as friends. Jos van Boxtel studied the hypnotherapeutic style of Stephen Brooks in detail and works with him as a trainer and author. This book is the first in a series of publications about his work.

Book review by Dr Ernest Rossi:

“Wow, if it’s possible to condense the evolution of psychotherapy over this century and Milton H. Erickson’s legacy with clarity, simplicity and compassion, Stephen Brooks and The Art of Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapy surely sets the highest standard.”

Dr. Ernest Rossi – author with Milton H. Erickson of the Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson.


Book review by Bill O’Hanlon:

“Stephen Brooks not only knows how to do effective Ericksonian Hypnosis, he knows how to show and teach others how to do it. This book will give you what you need to get started and to model a master.”

Bill O’Hanlon, author of An Uncommon Casebook – The Complete Clinical Works of Milton H Erickson M.D. and Solution-Oriented Hypnosis.

Buy the book online HERE