Stephen Brooks and the Art of Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapy – a one year live streaming Practitioner Diploma in Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapy

Starting 1st August 2024

All lessons, therapy demonstrations and Zoom sessions taught personally by Stephen Brooks.

Pay in 10 monthly instalments while you study – Book now!

Recognised by the world’s leading experts in Ericksonian Hypnosis

Dr Ernest Rossi – author with Milton H Erickson of The Collected Papers of Milton H Erickson:

“Wow, if it’s possible to condense the evolution of psychotherapy over this century and Milton H Erickson’s legacy with clarity, simplicity and compassion, Stephen Brooks and the art of Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapy surely sets the highest standard”

  • Trainer: Entire course taught personally by Stephen Brooks.

  • Format: A practical skill based clinical training taught through weekly online study, live streaming presentations, lectures, therapy demonstrations, and interactive student exercises.

  • Duration: Ongoing one year online home study programme with weekly 3 hour Zoom courses held on the first three Sundays of each month.

  • Qualification: Practitioner Diploma in Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapy – a fully accredited qualification allowing you to practice as a hypnotherapist.


The British Hypnosis Research and Training Institute

British Hypnosis Research has been qualifying students as Practitioners of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy since 1979 and is one of the most respected and trusted hypnotherapy training organisation in the world. Our courses have been running for more than 40 years in over 23 hospitals and universities throughout the UK and in Canada, Ireland, France, Spain, Belgium, Thailand and Japan. In 2008 we created the first ever one year online Practitioner Diploma training in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, and to date we have trained over 6000 students, including many of the leading figures in the field such as internationally known hypnosis trainers and authors.

We have created hypnotherapy training materials in association with the University of Sussex and the British Library and our courses are recognised by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council of Great Britain. BHR continues to push back the boundaries of hypnotherapy training with our latest Practitioner Diploma taught in live streaming format on Zoom combined with weekly online home study.

Stephen Brooks

Your trainer is Stephen Brooks. Over the past 40 years Stephen has become one of the most respected hypnotherapists in the world, well known for his insight, compassion and relaxed conversational way of helping people overcome challenging problems. He has taught many of the biggest names in hypnotherapy today and his courses are at the cutting edge of hypnosis training. He is subject the new acclaimed book on Ericksonian Hypnosis. All course lessons,  therapy demonstrations and Zoom sessions are taught personally by Stephen Brooks.

What You Will Get

This course will train you to be a hypnotherapist. By the end of the course you will be able to guide people into trance naturally and easily, and help them access resourceful states of consciousness needed to solve problems in a compassionate and caring way. You will have learnt and applied the Ericksonian therapy techniques and skills required to successfully treat clients presenting a wide range of psychological problems.

You will have developed a profound understanding of the many therapy techniques and skills taught on the course, enabling you to create your own unique techniques and therapeutic interventions and be able to do this indirectly in a way that makes others feel they’re responsible for their changes.


Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for practicing hypnotherapists and students wishing to qualify as hypnotherapists and be registered to offer hypnotherapy to clients / patients.

Every Zoom Course Will Include:

  • Presentations of Ericksonian principles, techniques and language patterns for trance induction and therapy.
  • Live demonstrations of the compassionate application of hypnotherapy on Zoom
  • Short and playful exercises to practice specific skills in Zoom groups
  • Brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas, pathways and possibilities
  • Structured exercises to practice hypnotic inductions, create language patterns, induce hypnotic phenomena and apply therapy techniques
  • Integrative exercises to practice full compassion based hypnotherapy sessions
  • If you cannot attend the Zoom sessions you can view them anytime afterwards as they are recorded.

The Problems You Will Be Able To Treat

This course will teach you to treat a wide range of issues including:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Complex eating disorders
  • Psychosomatic symptoms
  • Substance abuse
  • Smoking
  • Weigh loss
  • Lack of confidence
  • Phobias
  • Depression
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Insomnia
  • Marital and Relationship problems
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Pain
  • Thumb Sucking
  • Nail Biting
  • Bed Wetting
  • Plus many more…

View Our Extensive Syllabus

  • Verbal Rapport Building Utilizing Open Questions and Self-sharing:
    • Learn to build trust and rapport with these simple highly focused questions.
  • Positive Frame and Reverse Frame Hypnotic Suggestions and Negative Tags:
    • Learn how to get the other person to agree with you and develop an acceptance for your ideas.
  • Identifying the Minimal Cues of Hypnotic Trance:
    • This unit will teach you how to recognise good hypnotic subjects and how to recognise when someone is going into trance.
  • The Uptime Downtime Hypnotic Trance Induction:
    • This unit is based on two combined hypnotic induction techniques where the person is encouraged to shift their attention from one hypnotic state to another as an induction.
  • The Confusion Hypnosis Induction:
    • This unit demonstrates how to use confusion as a hypnotic induction, how to create confusion, how to utilize it when it occurs naturally.
  • The Laws of Observation and Utilization in Hypnotherapy:
    • This unit is based on the important principles of observation and utilization and teaches you what to do when you first start using hypnosis and then how to utilize what someone says or does, moment by moment.
  • Hypnotic Anchoring and Conditioning Techniques:
    • This unit will teach you how to utilize human conditioning to get people to accept ideas and therapeutic treatment and how to also use these principles to induce hypnosis.
  • Pseudo Orientation in Time Hypnosis Technique:
    • This technique will allow you to take someone into an imagined future and to report on what was necessary for their treatment to be successful.
  • Double Bind Hypnosis Suggestions:
    • This unit teaches you a very effective hypnotic language pattern called the Double Bind. There are several classes of hypnotic double bind and they motivate people to accept new ideas and ways of accepting treatment programs.
  • Open-ended Hypnosis Suggestions:
    • This unit teaches you a very effective hypnotic language pattern called the Open-ended Suggestion. These suggestions will help you induce hypnosis effectively and help someone accept new ways of thinking about their problem.
  • Arm Levitation Hypnosis Induction:
    • The unit is based on an innovative approach to a traditional hypnotic technique where the person goes into a trance as their arm automatically lifts into the air.
  • The Laws of Positive Expectancy and Reinforcement in Hypnosis:
    • This unit looks at the role of implication in speech and non-verbal behaviour and teaches you how to develop the skill to influence indirectly through an attitude of expectancy.
  • Implication, Compression and Economic Hypnotic Language:
    • This unit will teach you how to maximize the time available by streamlining the hypnotic techniques you are being taught. This will help you be more effective when you interact with people.
  • The Laws of Reversed and Concentrated Effort as a Hypnotic Phenomena:
    • This unit looks at the role of paradox in clinical practice and how you can use this as a therapeutic tool within your profession.
  • Arm and Eye Catalepsy as a Vehicle for Inducing Hypnosis:
    • This unit will teach you how to produce hypnotic catalepsy as a hypnotic induction. This will reinforce someone’s confidence in you and in the treatment.
  • Responding to People who have Polarity Responses:
    • This unit will help you deal with difficult and resistant people. You will learn techniques to calm someone down, to change the way they think and to turn objections into opportunities.
  • Passive Response Hypnotic Suggestions:
    • This unit teaches you skills that help a person trust themselves more easily and not interfere in the treatment process in a negative way.
  • Learning and Teaching Someone How to Use Self Hypnosis:
    • This unit will teach you to use self-hypnosis for your own personal development and to be able to teach it effectively to your patients.
  • Matching and Mirroring Someone’s Body Posture for Hypnosis:
    • This unit is based on building rapport very quickly. You will learn to build trust almost immediately with every new person you meet.
  • Matching and Mirroring someone’s voice tonality, pitch and volume as a Hypnosis Technique:
    • This unit is also based on building rapport very quickly. It will also help you to induce hypnotic trance more quickly and deeply.
  • Identifying and Matching Predicates as an Indirect Hypnosis Rapport Building Technique:
    • This unit will help you achieve two outcome, understanding how someone experiences their problems and how to build rapport quickly and effectively.
  • Hypnotic Inductions based on Eye Fixation and Distraction Techniques:
    • This unit is based innovative new ways of using classic eye fixation techniques as hypnotic inductions. You will learn how to indirectly hypnotise someone using your and their eyes.
  • Hypnosis Techniques for Communicating with the Unconscious:
    • Learn about the right and left hemisphere and the abilities of the right and left brain.
  • Calibrating Facial Symmetry as an Observation Technique:
    • Learn how the hemispheres influence the non-verbal cues on the face.
  • The Insertive Eye Contact Hypnosis Induction Technique:
    • Learn how to implant suggestions indirectly into another person’s unconscious mind.
  • The Confusion Hypnosis Induction Technique:
    • Learn how to utilize senses and behaviors as a powerful hypnotic induction by continually re-directing attention.
  • How to Use Indirect Contingent / Dependent Suggestions to Induce Hypnosis:
    • This Unit will teach you how to apply pacing and leading to create interlocking chains of associated hypnotic suggestions to produce a network of mutually compounding directives.
  • How to Use Nominalizations as a Hypnosis Deepening Technique:
    • This Unit will teach you how to create and apply non-specific hypnotic language that meets needs at an unconscious level.
  • How to use Indirect Passive Response Suggestions:
    • This Unit will teach you how to play down the importance of the conscious mind while opening the potential of the unconscious mind.
  • How to Develop Someone’s Response Attentiveness to Hypnosis:
    • When a person enters therapy they are sometimes apprehensive and have various expectations. This Unit will teach you how to utilize and build these expectations as a hypnotic and therapeutic tool.
  • How to Use Indirect Eye Fixation and Distraction as Hypnosis Inductions:
    • In this Unit you will learn how to induce trance using only your eye movements. The Unit covers how to focus, direct and re-direct focus of attention directly and indirectly.
  • How to Use Indirect Non-verbal Hypnosis Inductions:
    • This Unit will teach you how to induce hypnosis non-verbally by replicating trance in yourself, using pantomime techniques and trance anchoring.
  • How to use Favorite Leisure Activity to Induce Hypnosis:
    • When people are enjoying themselves they are often in trance but don’t know it. This Unit will teach you how to use various leisure interests as trance inductions. Contexts used as trance inductions include: Creative absorption: listening / playing music, painting, listening to a lecture, watching a film, watching television). Conscious focus: playing sports, exercise, dancing. Daydreaming as trance experience, Thinking as trance experience.
  • How to Indirectly Evoke Previous Trance Experiences:
    • One of the quickest and most effective ways of inducing trance is to re-induce a previous trance. This Unit will teach you how to re-induce previous trance states from your own sessions and from those of other therapists.
  • How to Match Breathing and Develop Progressive Relaxation in Someone:
    • This Unit will teach you how to utilize the sensory experiential approach of relaxation, visualization and counting to induce hypnosis.
  • How to Use Classes of Hypnotic Double Bind:
    • This Unit will teach you how to create a compelling illusionary choice by creating binds and double binds that motivate people and lead to therapeutic benefits. Binds covered include: Binds, Double Binds, Conscious-Unconscious Double Bind, Dissociation Double Bind, Double Dissociation Double Bind, Non Sequitur Double Bind, Reverse Set Double Bind, Bind and Double Bind Questions and Time Binds.
  • How to Use the Uptime Downtime Hypnosis Induction:
    • This Unit will teach you how to utilize the extremes of altered states of consciousness and eye fatigue to induce hypnosis.
  • How to use the Self Suggestion Hypnosis Technique:
    • This Unit will teach you how to induce hypnosis through a process of self-observation and self-suggestion that tie up all the senses.
  • How to perform an Indirect Arm Levitation Hypnosis Induction:
    • This Unit will teach you how to induce and deepen trance with arm levitation techniques based on the apposition of opposites.
  • How to Use Hypnotic Surprise Techniques:
    • This Unit will teach you how to induce hypnosis with surprise, shock and disorientation.
  • How to Use Early Learning Set Hypnosis Induction:
    • This Unit will teach you how to use Erickson’s classic induction with people to evoke their early learning strategies for exploring hidden potential.
  • Learn the “My Friend John” Hypnosis Induction:
    • This Unit will teach you how to utilise someone’s minimal cues of impending hypnotic trance as part of an analogy about hypnotising another person.
  • How to Use Indirect Behavioural Emphasis (Analogue Marking, Interspersal Technique) and Embedded Commands for Hypnosis:
    • This Unit will teach you how to induce trance indirectly by covertly placing emphasis on selective parts of your communication.
  • Learn the Use of Indirect Hypnotic Language Patterns:
    • This Unit will teach you how to use Fractured Semantics (Partial Remarks and Dangling Phrases). The Unit includes: Implication (Implied Directive), Double Meaning, Stacking Realities, Inter-contextual Cues and Suggestions and Conscious Incompetence Suggestions (Losing Abilities).
  • How to Use Stacking Hypnotic Potential, Multiple Tasks and Indirect Overloading Techniques in Hypnosis:
    • This Unit will teach you how to offer simultaneous tasks that create conscious confusion and an acceptance for ensuing trance.
  • Learn to Recognize the Minimal Cues of Hypnotic Trance:
    • Learn how to become more intuitive by recognising the indicators of hypnotic trance that happen unconsciously as people drift in and out of hypnosis.
  • Learn Hypnotic Compound Suggestion Language Patterns Utilizing the Observable and Non-observable Stacking Technique:
    • Learn how to shift someone’s awareness from external to internal reality by embedding stacked Compound Suggestions and “truisms that shock” within an Ericksonian trance induction.
  • Learn to Identify Someone’s Positive and Negative Response Cues:
    • Learn how to recognize when people are thinking yes or no by calibrating to their minimal cues and changes in muscle tone.
  • The Old Master Hypnosis Induction:
    • How to give someone the experience of floating out of their body and deeper into trance.
  • Learn Post Hypnotic Suggestions:
    • Learn how to trigger new behaviors or ways of thinking within a person after and between consultations.
  • Learn Hypnotic Serial Suggestions:
    • Learn how to re-create a remembered event in a compelling way by re-structuring a detailed visualization.
  • Matching and Mirroring Behaviour During a Consultation:
    • How to utilise facial expressions and minimal cues to build rapport and induce hypnosis.
  • The Four Seasons Hypnosis Induction:
    • Open up your creativity with this therapeutic and metaphoric visualization induction that induces and deepens hypnosis.
  • Non-verbal Hypnotic Induction:
    • Learn ways to induce hypnosis non-verbally by replicating trance, anchoring suggestions to eye blinks, de-focusing your eyes and offering tactile confusion.


By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Establish deep rapport creating an atmosphere of safety and trust
  • Guide people in and out of hypnotic trance easily and naturally
  • Acquire high quality information in a safe, respectful and effective way
  • Create hypnotic phenomena and hypnotic states for therapy
  • Utilise hypnotic states to create profound change in clients
  • Use advanced hypnotic language to resolve problems in any therapeutic field
  • Use indirect hypnotic language to induce and deepen trance in hypnotic and non-hypnotic contexts
  • Utilise anyone’s personality to help them access trance and resources for problem solving
  • Access your own resources for problem solving
  • Unleash your unconscious potential and wisdom

“Stephen Brooks not only knows how to do effective Ericksonian Hypnosis he knows how to teach others how to do it.”

– Bill O’Hanlon – author of Taproots and Solution-Oriented Hypnosis


Our course is accredited by the Association for Professional Hypnosis & Psychotherapy and the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council. You can apply for Practitioner Membership of both or either after graduating from the course. After two years in practice your status with the GHSC can be upgraded to Advance Practitioner.



  • Format: A skill based training taught through weekly online study, live streaming presentations, therapy demonstrations, and student exercises.
  • Duration: Ongoing one year online home study programme with weekly 3 hour Zoom courses held on the first three Sundays of each month.
  • Home Study Course Times:  Continuous ongoing 24/7 access all year.
  • Zoom Course Times:
    • UK: Sunday afternoons 2.00pm. 
    • Europe: Sunday afternoons 3.00pm.
    • USA (EST): Sunday morning/afternoon.
    • USA (PT): Sunday morning.
    • Australia: Sunday evening 12.00am.
    • There are no Zoom courses during the August and December holidays.
  • If you are unable to attend the live Zoom sessions:  No problem, they are recorded and available the next day throughout the course. You can also join the Zoom exercise sessions run by the student’s themselves in your own time zone. 

Course Fee and Enrollment

Accredited Practitioner Diploma in Compassionate Ericksonian Hypnotherapy

Starting 1st August 2024

Your Investment

Pay £1975.00 today

or 10 payments of £219.75 a month

Enrol Here